(Tangible ways we are being Jesus to others)

St. Mark’s is striving to offer the love of Jesus to those outside our four walls.

The Lord said in Matthew 28:19 that we are commanded to ” . . . . go and make desciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit . . . “

In Mark 6:37, when asked by His disciples how they were going to feed a vast number of people, Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.”

Again, in Matthew 25:35-36, Jesus explains what we are to do as a church to be blessed by the Lord.


Our free resource library sets right outside the church office. It includes Bibles of all different version, (King James, NIV, etc.).

Also you will find Bible study resources such as commentaries, dictionares, devotionals and resources for children.

All are free for the taking in hopes the God’s Word finds its way into minds and hearts.


Our lending library is located in the main hall beside the sanctuary doors. It’s shelves are stocked with fiction, biographies, and an abundance of non-fiction with topics of Christian Living, Heaven, End Times, Biblical People and Prayer. Many are current and relevant to todays life. They are all free to take home and read but you are asked to please return them for others to enjoy!